February 7, 2024

Dependency Injection for Azure Table Storage including Microsoft Entra Identity Security using C#.Net 8.0.0 and Autofac


Autofac simplifies dependency injection in C#.NET by providing a flexible and extensible framework. With its intuitive syntax, Autofac efficiently manages object lifetimes and resolves dependencies, promoting clean and modular code design. This powerful tool enhances maintainability and testability in software development projects.

Autofac with Azure Table Storage

Leveraging Autofac for Azure Table Storage involves integrating the Azure.Data.Tables NuGet package seamlessly. By configuring Autofac to manage dependencies, developers can inject Azure Table Storage-related services and repositories effortlessly. This approach promotes decoupling and facilitates the unit testing of components interacting with Azure Table Storage, ensuring a scalable and maintainable solution in C#.NET applications.

One Step Further…Microsoft Entra Identity

Microsoft Entra Identity enhances security for Azure Table Storage by providing robust identity and access management. Leveraging Entra Identity ensures secure and authenticated interactions with Azure Table Storage resources. This identity solution integrates seamlessly, offering features like multi-factor authentication and role-based access control. By incorporating Entra Identity into the architecture, developers can fortify their Azure Table Storage implementations with advanced security measures, safeguarding sensitive data and mitigating potential risks effectively.

Today, we’re going to build a service layer that integrates with Microsoft Azure Table Storage, combined with Microsoft Entra Identity, with all the dependency injection being handled by Autofac…

Nuget Package Installation

First, let’s install some Nuget packages:

Visual Studio Nuget Packages for Dependency Injection

Visual Studio Nuget Packages for Dependency Injection

Service Class

Now we can create our Service Class:

public sealed class DemoService : IDemoService
    private readonly IDemoRepository _demoRepository;

    public DemoService(IDemoRepository demoRepository)
        _demoRepository = demoRepository;

    public async Task<AzureTableStorageResponse> Create()
        var newsletterSubscription = new NewsletterSubscription
            PartitionKey = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
            RowKey = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
            EmailAddress = "hello@test.com",
            CreatedDateTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow,
            LastUpdatedDateTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow,

        var azureTableStorageResponse = await _demoRepository.Create(newsletterSubscription);

        return azureTableStorageResponse;

    public async Task<AzureTableStorageResponse> Update()
        var partitionKey = "Simon";
        var rowKey = "11912ddc-2709-478c-a5d0-a8756b56f6e8";
        var existingEntity = await _demoRepository.Get(partitionKey, rowKey);

        existingEntity.EmailAddress = $"Email is now {DateTime.UtcNow}";

        var azureTableStorageResponse = await _demoRepository.Update(existingEntity);

        return azureTableStorageResponse;

    public async Task<NewsletterSubscription> Get(string partitionKey, string rowKey)
        var result = await _demoRepository.Get(partitionKey, rowKey);

        return result;

    public async Task<HashSet<NewsletterSubscription>> GetAll(string partitionKey)
        var results = await _demoRepository.GetAll(partitionKey);

        return results;

    public async Task<HashSet<NewsletterSubscription>> GetAll()
        var results = await _demoRepository.GetAll();

        return results;

Repository Class

Now let’s create our Repository Class, which has a private readonly instance of the Azure Table Storage TableClient:

public class DemoRepository : IDemoRepository
        private readonly TableClient _tableClient;

        public DemoRepository(TableClient tableClient)
            _tableClient = tableClient;

        public async Task<AzureTableStorageResponse> Create(NewsletterSubscription newsletterSubscription)
            string storageException = string.Empty;
            string additionalException = string.Empty;

                Response response = await _tableClient.AddEntityAsync(newsletterSubscription);

                var azureTableStorageResponse = response.HandleAzureResponse();

                return azureTableStorageResponse;
            catch (TableTransactionFailedException ex)
                storageException = ex.HandleTableTransactionFailedException();
            catch (Exception ex)
                additionalException = ex.HandleAdditionalStorageException();
            return new AzureTableStorageResponse()
                WasSuccessful = false,
                StorageException = storageException,
                AdditionalStorageException = additionalException

        public async Task<AzureTableStorageResponse> Update(NewsletterSubscription newsletterSubscription)
            string storageException = string.Empty;
            string additionalException = string.Empty;

                //Response response = await _tableClient.UpdateEntityAsync(newsletterSubscription, newsletterSubscription.ETag);
                Response response = await _tableClient.UpsertEntityAsync(newsletterSubscription);

                var azureTableStorageResponse = response.HandleAzureResponse();

                return azureTableStorageResponse;
            catch (TableTransactionFailedException ex)
                storageException = ex.HandleTableTransactionFailedException();
            catch (Exception ex)
                additionalException = ex.HandleAdditionalStorageException();

            return new AzureTableStorageResponse()
                WasSuccessful = false,
                StorageException = storageException,
                AdditionalStorageException = additionalException

        public async Task<NewsletterSubscription> Get(string partitionKey, string rowKey)
            var existingEntity = await _tableClient
                .GetEntityAsync<NewsletterSubscription>(partitionKey, rowKey);

            return existingEntity.Value;

        public async Task<HashSet<NewsletterSubscription>> GetAll(string partitionKey)
            AsyncPageable<NewsletterSubscription> queryResult = _tableClient
                .QueryAsync<NewsletterSubscription>(x => x.PartitionKey == partitionKey);

            var hashSet = new HashSet<NewsletterSubscription>();

            await foreach (var entity in queryResult)

            return hashSet;

        public async Task<HashSet<NewsletterSubscription>> GetAll()
            AsyncPageable<NewsletterSubscription> queryResult = _tableClient

            var hashSet = new HashSet<NewsletterSubscription>();

            await foreach (var entity in queryResult)

            return hashSet;

Autofac Module

Now let’s create a Module, that derives from the “Module” class in the Autofac library:

public sealed class AutofacAzureTableStorageModule : Module
    protected override void Load(ContainerBuilder containerBuilder)

    private void ConfigureAzureStorageTableServiceClient(ContainerBuilder containerBuilder)
        containerBuilder.Register(c => CreateAzureTableServiceClient(c.Resolve<DefaultAzureCredential>()))

    private TableServiceClient CreateAzureTableServiceClient(DefaultAzureCredential credential)
        // Specify the Azure Storage Account name
        const string AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_URL = $"https://{AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME}.table.core.windows.net";

        var uri = new Uri(AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_URL);

        return new TableServiceClient(uri, credential);

    private void ConfigureAzureStorageTableClients(ContainerBuilder containerBuilder)
        containerBuilder.Register(c => GetTableClient(c.Resolve<TableServiceClient>(),

    private TableClient GetTableClient(TableServiceClient tableServiceClient, string tableName)
        var tableClient = tableServiceClient.GetTableClient(tableName);


        return tableClient;

    private void RegisterDefaultAzureCredential(ContainerBuilder containerBuilder)
        containerBuilder.Register(c => new DefaultAzureCredential())

    private void ConfigureServicesWithRepositories(ContainerBuilder containerBuilder)

    private void ConfigureRepositories(ContainerBuilder containerBuilder)


Follow the steps in this link to configure Microsoft Entra Identity for Azure Table Storage/App Service
